XXXI. MUSICA VIVA IN SCHOLA, October 17–18, 2023
"Tradition and Innovation in Music Education"
The conference Musica viva in schola (XXXI.) takes place at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno (Poříčí 31, Building D) - classrooms 20 and 21.
Active participants are required to fill in the application form (until September 30) and follow the instructions for processing the contribution and its text version (conference paper). The participation fee of CZK 150 (€ 7) applies only to active participants and its payment will be required in cash upon the presence of participants on the day of the conference opening. The fee serves as a partial compensation for the costs of organizing the conference, processing of contributions and creating the conference proceedings, which will be available online under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The attendance check of active participants will take place on Tuesday, October 17 from 9:30.
Passive participants are warmly welcomed to the conference. They do not have to pay the conference fee or to fill in the application form.
Transportation to the conference venue:
- Brno, main train station: tram no. 8 (direction "Nemocnice Bohunice") to the stop "Křídlovická", or tram no. 7 (direction "Starý Lískovec, smyčka") to the stop "Křídlovická",
- from there walk (to the right, around the hockey arena and then straight on) approx. 300 meters.
At the conference, small refreshments will be provided during coffee breaks. During the lunch break, participants can visit restaurants nearby: Kafinet - café of the Faculty of Education (, Kometa Pub (https://, Restaurant Omega (, Gingilla Diner&Pub (, Canteen of the Faculty of Education (
If you have any questions, write to