Music-educational practice
Czech music schools practice
Folk song and folklore in education
Music didactics
The research focus of the Department of Music can be currently divided into following areas: theory and practice of music education at primary, secondary and music schools, selected issues in teaching and learning (e.g. possibilities of using digital technologies; the degree of application of musical folklore); musical sociology (attitudes of teachers towards folk song in music education at primary and secondary schools; musical preferences of young people towards classical, popular music and musical folklore); music analysis and interpretation as a matter of a receptive education for better understanding music with emphasis on semiotics and aesthetics, on a practical level, it is related to the concert activities; art historiography (archival type of research mapping the history of cultural events, organizations (e.g. The Club of Moravian Composers, Brno Organ Festival), life and work of selected cultural personalities, artists (collector of folk songs Martin Zeman, Czech cantors). All areas of research are aimed (or contain overlaps) at use in the school music educational process, which is the main mission of the Department of Music. Research in these areas is (partly) basic and (mostly) applied.
Czech music schools practice
Folk song and folklore in education
Music didactics
Music hardware/software
Multimedia in music education
E-learning a online teaching
Music genre preferences
Attitudes of university students to classical music
Teachers' attitudes to folk music
Early music
Contemporary music
"Cantors" and the Czech music of the 18th century
Film music